AudD is Music Recognition API

New epoch of music recognition

By Sound

Recognize music in audio files, UGC, and microphone recordings. Our DB contains 80 million songs.

From Streams

Recognize what's playing on radio stations and audio streams, in real-time, 24/7. Recognize music from our DB with 80 million songs or upload your own audio that we'll identify.

# Run curl in your terminal or choose a language
# Replace `-F url=...` with `-F file=@/path/to
    /file.mp3` to send a local file
# See our full API documentation for more info
curl \
-F url='' \
-F return='apple_music,spotify' \
-F api_token='test'
"status": "success",
"result": {
"artist": "Imagine Dragons",
"title": "Warriors",
"album": "Warriors",
"release_date": "2014-09-18",
"label": "Universal Music",
"timecode": "02:32",
"song_link": "",
"apple_music": {
"previews": [
"url": "
"artwork": {
"width": 1500,
"height": 1500,
"url": "
"bgColor": "7f5516",
"textColor1": "ffe2aa",
"textColor2": "f8e0bd",
"textColor3": "e5c58c",
"textColor4": "e0c59c"

Use AudD for:

Content analysis

Use our Music Recognition API to detect and identify songs in any content.

Create upload filters for UGC when the law requires. Find out what songs are playing in any content on the internet or your servers, including short audios, videos, and hours-long DJ mixes. You can analyze the trends and find emerging artists, create recommendation systems, automatically report what music you use, or display the recognition results to your users.

In-app music recognition

Make your own music recognition application using AudD Music Recognition API. Detect and recognize music. Identify the songs your users are listening to and display the lyrics of the recognized songs. Or just let your users search lyrics by text.

Music recognition API for both content analysis and in-app music recognition costs from $2 to $5 per 1000 requests. First 300 requests for free.

Audio streams

Use AudD real-time music recognition service for audio streams to identify the songs playing on radio stations (or any other streams).

Monitor radio airplay, report played songs, create radio songs charts. Get real-time insights. Show the now playing song using our open-source widget. If you have your own content DB, we can recognize songs that you upload (it's cheaper).

Music recognition API for audio streams costs $45 per stream per month with our music DB or $25 with your songs.

Open-source apps and bots

Try AudD

AudD Chrome extension AudD extension for Twitch AudD Reddit bot AudD Telegram bot